*Special New Year Resolution List*

Colby Donovan
3 min readJan 4, 2019


Today we have a special list to help everyone with their New Year Resolutions. We have episodes on willpower, time management, goal setting, forming habits, and grit.

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  • Trained: Angela Duckworth | Why Talent Alone Isn’t Enough. Duckworth is a professor of Psychology at the University of Pennsylvania and the author of Grit: The Power of Passion and Perseverance. She talks about what she has defined as grit: the combination of perseverance and passion towards long goals. She explains how to apply grit towards goal setting, the power of setting very small goals, and the importance of getting yourself to focus on the process instead of the outcome. Then she dives into the relationship between grit and self-control, which she says is the #1 predictor of how long you’ll live and how healthy you’ll be as you age. She finishes with something to help you get through your goals for the year: solution focused framing, which is focusing on what you did successfully last year, not what you failed to do. [December 26, 2018–29 minutes] iTunes Podcast| Spotify | Overcast | Stitcher
  • North Star Podcast: James Clear: Building Better Habits. Clear is the author of Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones. The discussion is about his book and some of the major topics covered. He has some invaluable insights — when your goal and direction is clearly defined, you can put the goal on the shelf and just focus on the process. He also explains that habits account for 40–50% of what we do everyday, and finish with the idea that habits compound over time. [November 4, 2018–1 hour, 30 minutes] iTunes Podcast | Overcast | Website Link
  • The Science of Success: The Death of Time Management & How You Can Manipulate Time with Laura Vanderkam. Author Laura Vanderkam covers a lot on time management and how to be more efficient. She has a lot of great insights, including the fact that spending time on your phone is inversely correlated with feeling like we have more time. She also tells us other hacks to improve on time management (track your time for a week) and how to free up more time in your day. [August 16, 2018–57 minutes] iTunes Podcast | Overcast | Stitcher | Website Link
  • Trend Following with Michael Covel: Ep 707: Deliberate Practice. If you’re reading this, you are clearly focused on learning and self-improvement and so I assume you’ve heard of the 10,000 hour rule. This episode is with the man who published the 10,000 rule and defined deliberate practice: Florida State University Professor Anders Ericsson. He provides the definition of deliberate practice and relates it to professional athletes, Olympians, and comedians, says he believes humans can only truly focus for 4–5 hours a day, and how to create a state of flow. He also talks about Malcolm Gladwell’s book Outliers: The Story of Success, specifically, Gladwell’s discussion on his 10,000 hour rule and other studies Gladwell cites. If you’re interested in learning more about these topics, you can purchase Ericsson’s book Peak: The Secrets From The New Science of Expertise. [November 2, 2018–1 hour, 24 minutes] iTunes Podcast| Overcast | Stitcher | Website Link
  • Origins with James Andrew Miller: Mind First; Body Second. This is Miller’s second episode on Saban this week and this is a must listen for everyone. It goes over how Saban runs the Alabama football program and his “process.” This is truly a must listen for anyone interested in leading a company, accomplishing their goals, or striving to be great. [August 10, 2018–44 minutes] iTunes Podcast | Spotify| Overcast



Colby Donovan

Here to bring you podcast suggestions. Twitter → @colby__donovan